13 Important LG 100C Specs

Physical Features
Weight2.45 ounces
Weight (grams)70g
Dimensions4.09 x 1.8 x .5
Dimensions mm104 x 46 x 13
Headset Jack2.5mm
Base technology
  • CDMA 1900
  • CDMA 800
Battery Life
Stand-by Time240hours
Talk Time150minutes
Battery typeLithium
Other features
Other featuresTip Calculator
Hearing Aid RatingM3, T3
Voice Dialing


Also known as: LG100C.

General LG 100C Information

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* We cannot guarantee that these specs are accurate. We urge you to do a confirmation of the key specs before making a final choice. Cell phone manufacturers sometimes omit certain functions, making it difficult for us to guess whether or not a specific cell phone has a specific function. If you see an error in this list of features, please let us know as soon as possible.

* Prices shown are only indicative. They were recently fetched by our system and may have changed meanwhile.


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