Huawei Honor 5C Pros & Cons Review

Picture of the Huawei Honor 5C, by Huawei

- Analysis by KJ David

The Honor 5C is a semi-high-end release from Huawei whose cons include a 16GB memory and a 2GB-only RAM , since many of its rivals in this class pack at least 32GB of storage and a full 3GB of RAM. Apart from those moderate specs, though, this Honor model's pros might just secure it a high-end shelf spot anyway.

It comes with Huawei's signature dual-antenna system for calls , which means that it can switch back and forth between two independent network antennas, depending on signal strength. Moreover, it operates on a Kirin 650 split-octa-core processor aided by a sufficient 3000mAh battery power . Crowning its pros and cons are 13- and 8-megapixel cameras , which were familiar camera types in the high-end department as of June 2016.

So, the Huawei Honor 5C may not be a fully-upscale 2016 Android, but it sounds like an honorable 5.2-incher nevertheless.

** This phone is also known as: Huawei 5C, Huawei NEM-L21

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