VKWorld Diamond Z2 Pros & Cons Review

Picture of the VKWorld Diamond Z2, by VKWorld

- Analysis by KJ David

The VKWorld Diamond Z2 considers its diamond-shaped breathing light a gem among its elder-friendly pros and cons, as this facet glows whenever you receive calls or messages. Another notable pro is the presence of a camera , albeit a prehistoric one (0.3-megapixel), which we do not see all the time from basic clamshells.

Moving over to its cons, the Z2 offers only a 500-entry phone book , whereas many of its rivals support up to 1000 entries. Also, its 800mAh battery power does not rise as high as the 1000mAh (or higher) that we've seen from much older models. Memory (64MB) might also be a slight issue, though its 32GB microSD slot should take care of that.

All in all, the Diamond Z2 has the chops of a run-of-the-mill flip phone, with a cherry-on-top via its breathing led light.

** This phone is also known as: VKWorld Z2 Diamond, VKWorld Z-2

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