Compare The LG 800G vs These Phones

The Motorola EX124G and LG 840G seem relatively overshadowed by the LG 800G, judging from its 640 x 480 screen resolution, weight of only 2.24 ounces, and talk time of 240 minutes.

Check out other differences:

Camera Details
Camera Resolution2-megapixel2-megapixel3-megapixel
Display Comparison

Display size?? 3.2 in
Display dots per inch?? 145.99 DPI
Display Type??TFT
Color Mode?? 262144 colors
Display Resolution 640 x 480 px? 400 x 240 px
Display's superficy?? 4.52 sqr in
Operating System??Proprietary
Physical Features
Weight 2.24 oz? 2.79 oz
A2DP (Stereo Bluetooth)??
Storage Memory
Included Memory Card?2GB microSD?
Memory ExpansionmicroSD?microSD
Expansion Limit??up to 32GB
Battery Life
Stand-by Time170312249.6
Talk Time240222198
Battery typeLi-Ion??


  • ? means that we do not have the information, NOT necessarily that the feature is not offered.
  • Color boxes underscore specs that seem to stand out.
  • Specifications cannot be guaranteed accurate. Read our terms of service for more details.

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