Compare The Samsung S275G vs Samsung T159

On paper, it looks like a high contrast comparison: With its Display fineness of 116.79 dots per inch, 160 x 128 screen, weight of only 2.47 ounces, reasonable 0.578w/Kg SAR value, 540-hours stand-by battery life, and talk time of 330 minutes... the Samsung S275G impresses, compared to the Samsung T159:

Camera Details
Camera Resolution1.3-megapixel1.3-megapixel
Digital Zoom2x2x
Max Video Resolution? 320 x 240 px
Display Comparison Of The Samsung S275G Vs Samsung T159
Samsung S275G
Samsung T159
Display size 1.76 in 1.77 in
Display dots per inch 116.79 DPI 115.94 DPI
Display TypeTFTTFD, TFT
Color Mode? 65535 colors
External Display
External Display Res. 96 x 96 px 96 x 96 px
Display Resolution 160 x 128 px 128 x 160 px
Display's superficy 1.51 sqr in 1.53 sqr in
Operating SystemSamsung Traditional UI?
ProcessorNXP PNX 6809ST Ericsson DA6809-L Display
Physical Features
Weight 2.47 oz 2.9 oz
Samsung S275G
Samsung T159
Maximum data rate?7.2Mbps
Head SAR value (radiation) 0.578 w/Kg 0.63 w/Kg
Body SAR 0.984 w/Kg 0.59 w/Kg
Bluetooth Technology(unspecified version)2.1
A2DP (Stereo Bluetooth)
Storage Memory
Storage Memory?256MB
Battery Life
Samsung S275G
Samsung T159
Stand-by Time540264
Talk Time330300
Battery type?Li-ion
Battery Power800mAh800mAh
mAh per ounce324276
mAh per display square in.530523
Talk minutes per Ah413375
Web Browser?NetFront 4.2


  • ? means that we do not have the information, NOT necessarily that the feature is not offered.
  • Color boxes underscore specs that seem to stand out.
  • Specifications cannot be guaranteed accurate. Read our terms of service for more details.

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