Compare The Oppo F1 Plus vs Oppo F1

Our fast-paced Oppo F1 Plus vs Oppo F1 comparison promises to highlight the key differences between the specs of these two smartphones. As expected by most, the newer F1 Plus gets a more-competent processor in the form of an octa-core 2GHz CPU, which is likely to run reasonably-faster than the F1's 8-core 1.7GHz processor. The F1 Plus also gets 4GB of RAM, which is 33% more compared to that of the F1 (3GB RAM). After measuring their weights, however, the F1 bags the trophy, weighing only 134 grams, compared to the F1 Plus and its 145-gram weight. We do have to keep in mind, though, that the F1 Plus carries a bigger screen (5.5-inch) than the F1 (5-inch). Buckle up and race onward to our comparison right here:

Camera Details
Camera Resolution13-megapixel13-megapixel
Camera flash
Camera Aperturef/2.2f/2.2
Max Video Resolution 1920 x 1080 px?
SELFIE CAMERA Comparison Of The Oppo F1 Plus vs Oppo F1
Selfie Cam Resolution8-megapixel16-megapixel
Selfie Featuresf/2.0 aperture, 1/4-inch sensor size, Beautify 3.0, Screen flashf/2.0 aperture

The Oppo F1 Plus vs Oppo F1 match-up starts rolling once we compare their display specs. The F1 Plus kicks up dust with its 5.5-inch display that has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, while the F1 trails behind, being outfitted only with a 5-inch screen that features a 1280 x 720 display resolution. These phones also have a sizeable difference in their screen's DPI. The F1's display is limited to only 293.58 DPI, while the F1 Plus zooms by with its 401-DPI screen.

Here are more features to compare:

Oppo F1
Oppo F1 Plus
Display size 5 in 5.5 in
Display dots per inch 293.58 DPI 401 DPI
Color Mode 16K colors 16K colors
Display Resolution 1280 x 720 px 1920 x 1080 px
Display's superficy 10.68 sqr in 12.93 sqr in
Display finish2.5D Gorilla Glass 4?

Looking under the hood of the Oppo F1 and the Oppo F1 Plus, we are not extremely surprised to see that the newer F1 Plus gets the more-capable hardware. While both phones house an octa-core processor, the F1 relies on a Qualcomm MSM8939 1.7GHz CPU, which is unlikely to dish out as much performance as the F1 Plus' MediaTek Helio P10 MT6755 2GHz processor. The F1 Plus comes with 64GB of built-in memory, which is significantly more compared to the F1's 16GB of ROM. While we do not see a difference in their memory expansion limits (both offer up to 128GB), the F1 Plus still edges out the F1, RAM-wise (4GB versus 3GB). Can this one-sided comparison be the reason why the F1 Plus clinches the number one spot on our list of Top 10 Oppo Cell Phones as of 2016?

Here are more Performance details to compare:

Oppo F1
Oppo F1 Plus
Operating SystemColorOS 2.1, based on Android 5.1 LollipopColorOS 3.0, based on Android 5.1 Lollipop
ProcessorQualcomm MSM8939MediaTek Helio P10 MT6755
CPU Cores88
CPU architecture64-bit?
CPU clock speed1.7GHz2GHz
Graphic Processor (GPU)Adreno 405Mali-T860 MP2
Physical Features

Checking out how these two phones differ in terms of their physical dimensions, we see that they both have their ups and downs. The Oppo F1 plus, despite carrying a larger screen, manages to keep a slim profile, as suggested by its 6.6-inch thickness, which is 0.65 millimeters thinner than the Oppo F1 and its 7.25-millimeter thickness. The F1, however, is the lighter smartphone between the two, weighing only 134 grams versus the F1 Plus that registers a 145-gram weight. Standing 143.5 millimeters tall and 71 millimeters wide, the F1 also shows off a slimmer profile, compared to the F1 Plus that measures 151.8 millimeters high and 74.3 millimeters wide.

Here are more comparison points:

Oppo F1
Oppo F1 Plus
Weight grams134145
Thickness (metric) 7.25 mm 6.6 mm
Width (metric) 71 mm 74.3 mm
Height (metric) 143.5 mm 151.8 mm
Grams per cubic cm0.180.19
Oppo F1
Oppo F1 Plus
3G networksWCDMA?
4G networksLTE, TD-LTE?
SIM card typeDual (Micro and Nano SIM)Nano SIM (Dual)
Wi-Fi802.11 b/g/n802.11 b/g/n
Bluetooth Technology4.04.0
ConnectorsMicro USB with OTG support, Headset jack?
Storage Memory
Storage Memory16GB64GB
Memory ExpansionmicroSDmicroSD
Expansion Limitup to 128GBup to 128GB
Battery Life
Oppo F1
Oppo F1 Plus
Battery typeNon-removable?
Battery Power2500mAh2850mAh (with VOOC flash charge)
mAh per gram1920
mAh per mm thick345432
mAh per display square in.234220
SensorsDistance, Light, G-sensor, E-compass?
FinishMetal alloy body with micro-arc frame?

Oppo F1 Plus vs Oppo F1: Our Conclusion

Both smartphones reach the checkered flag, but, quite-obviously, the Oppo F1 Plus wins the race, given its octa-core 2GHz CPU, 5.5-inch screen, and 64GB of built-in memory. The Oppo F1, however, was able to please the audience with its 134-gram weight, 71-millimeter width, and 143.5-millimeter height -- bearing in mind that it sports the smaller screen. Here are our thoughts on this comparison:

  • For those who need a smartphone that is more-capable performance-wise, the F1 Plus and its 8-core 2GHz CPU as well as its 64GB of storage would be your best choice.
  • If you require a smartphone that has a narrower profile, consider getting the F1, but do remember that the F1 Plus is the thinner smartphone of the two.

- Comparison analysis by Patrick David Cruz, Phone Profiler


  • ? means that we do not have the information, NOT necessarily that the feature is not offered.
  • Color boxes underscore specs that seem to stand out.
  • Specifications cannot be guaranteed accurate. Read our terms of service for more details.

* Prices shown are only indicative. They were recently fetched by our system and may have changed meanwhile.


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