Cell Phone Picture Galleries With The Latest Phones 2022

The following galleries abound in pictures of cell phones launched in 2022 (or just before) and upcoming models. All phone images, presented from the latest phones (either upcoming or recently launched) first, are accompanied with basic specs.

Choose a category below and kick back, simply clicking on each picture to get to the next set of new phone pictures!

Choose a picture gallery category here:

Click to view the Innovative Smartphones slide show.

50 Innovative Smartphones

From self-healing faceplates to infrared autofocus, here are the latest smartphone innovations (as of June 2024) that promise to blow you away!
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Click to view the Smartphones slide show.

80 Smartphones

Smartphones are mobile computers that fit in your pocket. Check out photos of the latest smartphones in this photo gallery.
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Do You Know Other New Phones Enthusiasts In These Social Networks?

Click to view the Small Phones slide show.

50 Small Phones

Not all phones are as wide as smartphones. There are still a fair amount of tiny little small phones that trade sophisticated features for a smaller dimensional volume and a light weight.
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Click to view the All-category Phones slide show.

100 All-category Phones

This photo gallery presents the 50 latest new and upcoming phones, in the order in which we added them to our database.
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Click to view the Camera SmartPhones slide show.

50 Camera SmartPhones

Camera smartphones, those whose high-megapixel built-in camera promises great photography, are included in this discovery gallery.
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Click to view the Flip Phones slide show.

50 Flip Phones

Flip phones (also called clamshell) make great small and stylish phones. Here is a slide show of the newest flip phones.
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Click to view the Waterproof and Rugged Phones slide show.

50 Waterproof and Rugged Phones

Not all cell phones are created equal. A small number of mobile phones are waterproof and ruggedized to withstand cruel treatment. Check out the latest rugged and water resistant phones in our photo gallery.
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Click to view the Texting Phones slide show.

50 Texting Phones

Texting phones make sending text messages so much easier. Here are pictures of the latest phones with a full keyboard.
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Click to view the Cute and Stylish Phones slide show.

25 Cute and Stylish Phones

Some phones stand out by their unique and stylish design. Check out our photo gallery of the most stylish phones and their fashionable designs.
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Click to view the Android Phones slide show.

40 Android Phones

Android phones offer an iPhone-like experience in a free, open-source format.
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Click to view the Slim Phones slide show.

40 Slim Phones

Slim phones (We set the bar at 9.5mm) fit nicely in your pocket and their thin form factor makes you appear more elegant. Here are the latest super-slim phones:
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Click to view the Slide Phones slide show.

Slide Phones

Slide phones are quick to operate. Here are the latest ones...
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